Exterior house painting done right requires thorough preparation and skilled professionals with consistent attention for detail if homeowners are to expect lasting durability and beautiful results.

LEFT: Before remodel and exterior painting.  RIGHT: After remodel and exterior painting.

Top-rated professional exterior painters in Minneapolis and St. Paul are here to dramatically change the perceived value of your home by dramatically improving its curb appeal.  If you are looking for the greatest ROI (return on investment) painting the exterior of your home is at the top of the list.


Our 3-Step Exterior Paint Process

Curb appeal is everything! Here’s how we ensure you get it!

Careful Estimating

Nobody likes surprises. Well, unless maybe it’s your birthday. But when it comes to a quote to paint your house, you expect to stay within your budget.

Thorough Preparation for Exterior House Painting

Our professional painters follow a systematic approach to ensure a successful exterior painting project. Thorough preparation, attention to detail, and the use of quality materials are key to achieving a long-lasting and beautiful paint job.

Expert Painting and Careful Cleanup

Once all surfaces have been prepared and inspected, we then move on to the actual painting, using only the best available brand name paints.